Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Walking in Memphis

Welcome to the April 27th version of Thursday Thunks!
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!

We pick a subject, and your job is to interpret it anyway you want.
Write about it on your blog... simple as that.
Maybe you can interpret it as a picture - we don't care!

Please only leave a link if you have written a Thursday Thunks post.
Please mention us in your post, and link back to the blog
Don't forget to go visit the other participants' blogs.
Read and comment about all their Thursday Thunks responses!
That's what all this is about after all, isn't it?
We'll have so much fun and become lifelong friends....

The TT questions are brought to you by Bud, the color of KC's hair and the number 33.

1. Robins have red breasts. Why are their eggs blue?

2. The doorbell buzzes at the same moment the phone rings. Who was on the phone?

3. It seems that there are several very popular memes each day of the week. Which meme did you first become a regular of?

4. It is about time that Berleen and Kimber meet in person. Should we start a collection to fly one of them to the other, or just hope Thom's bus and get from Hawaii to Kimber in Arizona and take her to Berleen in Minnesota?

5. Tell us about your pets. Do you have one that you wish would run away?

6. What was the last thing colored red that you wore?

7. I have a train that runs by where I live several times a day. I actually find it peaceful. What's the longest journey that you have taken by train?

8. If Kimber threw a five dollar bill off a building that was five stories high, and Berleen threw a twenty off a build that was six stories high, who do you think would find the money?

9. If reincarnation really happens, whose life would you like to know that you have already led?

10. What are your three favorite possessions?

11. A lot of people still believe that Elvis is alive. Have you ever worn blue suede shoes?

12. Do you have siblings? If yes, are you anything alike?

13. Has anyone ever asked you to strip naked and cluck like a chicken?

Everyone wants to know~ Why haven't you joined ICForums yet?

Have a great day. See you next Thursday.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Three's Company

Wow... we maybe should change the name of Thursday Thunks....

Please give a warm welcome to the new co-author of this wonderful meme... Bud! If you don't know who Bud is, you must be living under a rock.

Bud has graciously accept Berleen & Kimber's invitation to co-star in this Thursday meme. One of two things will happen.... TT will now crash & burn to the ground or we'll have to lock the doors because we will go over capacity.

Either way.... Welcome Bud! We love ya!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

High up on the rooftop - look! A falling crayon!

Welcome to the April 22nd version of Thursday Thunks!
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!

We pick a subject, and your job is to interpret it anyway you want. Write about it on your blog... simple as that. Maybe you can interpret it as a picture - we don't care!
Please only leave a link if you have written a Thursday Thunks post. Please mention us in your post, and link back to the blog here.
Don't forget to go visit the other participants' blogs. Read and comment about all their Thursday Thunks! Thats what all this is about afterall, isn't it? We'll have so much fun and become lifelong friends....
The TT questions are brought to you by Berleen, the color of peanut butter cups and the number 10.

My oldest demon (aka Demon #1) is in Oklahoma! The musical this weekend. Yep, my kid is a drama geek. Have you ever been in a play or musical? Were you in the drama club in high school?

You are walking down the road and the cops fly by you and stop at the house just a little ways down the street. It's the way you were going to go... do you take a detour to avoid it or do you just keep walking because, hey - you had the idea first! or do you walk by out of complete curiosity?

I drop a green crayon from the roof and Kimber drops a yellow one - which one will grow wings and fly before it hits the ground?

What is the first section of the grocery store you go to? And I know that sentence doesn't sound right, but I don't care.

Do you like questions that have a yes or no answer or do you like to actually think for yourself and come up with something original?

The wall directly in front of you... whats on it?

Sea salt?

420. You know what it is. It's a time, it's a day, it's a way of life. Did you celebrate yesterday?

Can you read a tape measure?

The city/town/village that you live in... it's population is.....????

If a laptop fell out of the sky do you think you could catch it? And if you did, do you think it's Finders Keepers?

Driving down the highway, driving down the interstate, driving down a dirt road that you are sure goes absolutely nowhere... whats the longest distance you have ever driven in one trip?

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Thursday Thunks... late again. bite me.

Welcome to the April 15th (Tax Day) version of Thursday Thunks!
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!

We pick a subject, and your job is to interpret it anyway you want. Write about it on your blog... simple as that. Maybe you can interpret it as a picture - we don't care!
Please only leave a link if you have written a Thursday Thunks post. Please mention us in your post, and link back to the blog here.
Don't forget to go visit the other participants' blogs. Read and comment about all their Thursday Thunks! Thats what all this is about afterall, isn't it? We'll have so much fun and become lifelong friends....
The TT questions are brought to you by Berleen, the color of daisies and the number 0.

Got your taxes done?

What do batteries run on?

What do chickens think we taste like?

What do they call a French kiss in France?

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor and dishwashing liquid made with real

How many times is it appropriate to say "What?" before you just nod and smile because you still didn't hear or understand a word they said?

I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello? Darn it!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voice mail. What did you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away?

So Mel Gibson left his girlfriend - think he's finally heard of me?

Why do they call it "getting your dog fixed" if afterwards it doesn't work anymore?

Are you bothered that I didn't number these?

There's a Froggie Treasure Hunt going on... winner wins a $20 Amazon gift certificate ~ Why haven't you joined ICForums and started playing yet?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thursday Thunks - Bud has taken over!

Welcome to the April 7th (Berleen's Daddy's 76th Birthday) version of Thursday Thunks!
(which we always seem to post on Wednesday)
Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!

We pick a subject, and your job is to interpret it anyway you want. Write about it on your blog... simple as that. Maybe you can interpret it as a picture - we don't care!
Please only leave a link if you have written a Thursday Thunks post. Please mention us in your post, and link back to the blog here.
Don't forget to go visit the other participants' blogs. Read and comment about all their Thursday Thunks! Thats what all this is about afterall, isn't it? We'll have so much fun and become lifelong friends....

Bud must have really wanted to do the meme this week... he emailed me before I even had a chance to remember it was Wednesday! Way to go, Bud! Love ya...

These questions were inspired by the late George Carlin. His quotes are in bold. They were gathered from his routines. The TT questions are brought to you by Bud, the color KC's eyes and the number 3.

1. Why do they ask you to get on the plane? Shouldn't you get in it? When was your last flight?

2. Why do they call two planes getting too close a near miss? Shouldn't it be a near hit? Have you ever been on a plane that was in trouble?

3. If a mute swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap? What have you done when your child sweared?

4. How about a restaurant for anorexics? What would you call it? The Empty Plate? When was the last time you went out to a fancy restaurant?

5. Where do forest rangers go to 'get away from it all'? What to you do to get away from it all?

6. Why do people who know the least know it the loudest? What do you do to get a know-it-all to shut up?

7. If a man speaks in the forest and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong? Men: does your woman (or most recent) think that you are always wrong? Women: Do you believe that men are always wrong?

8. If a turtle loses his shell, is it naked or homeless? Tell us about a time when you were caught naked.

9. Would a fly that loses it wings be called a walk? How badly do flies annoy you?

10. Why do they report power outages on TV? When was the last time that you went without power?

11. If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat? Have you ever been or considered to be a vegetarian?

12. If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent? Tell us about a time when either you were arrested or came close.

13. Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food? Have you ever owned a cat?

Everyone wants to know~ Why haven't you joined ICForums yet?